There will always be stress in your life. It’s okay to feel stressed out on its own. Its job is to make us think of the “fight or flight” reaction when we sense danger. A feeling of stress tells us it’s time to change. Still, it’s important to remember that worry can hurt our mental and physical health if we don’t do anything about it.
Everybody knows that eating well and working out can help you feel less stressed and more calm. Even though these are good things to do when you’re worried, you need to do more to live a calmer life. When it comes to stress, there are more things you can do to make a big difference in your life and mental health. I feel a lot of worry because I am a mother of two and the owner of a business. I’ve also helped a lot of people and families deal with a lot of stress in their lives over the course of my work. Here are ten mental health tips that I’ve found to help you lower your stress levels in a healthy way that lasts.
10 Ways to Make Your Life Less Stressful
1. Don’t assume others’ motives
Don’t automatically think the worst of someone who offends us. Stressors are different for each person. That person who pushes past you in the grocery store might not be meaning to be rude; she may be in a hurry because her kids have an emergency. That’s possible, she got lost in time, and now her kid is sitting on the side of the road after the bus dropped them off. Maybe the person honking their horn and moving too close to you is going to the hospital to see a friend or family member. It’s only hurtful and stressful to make assumptions and get angry in these situations.
2. Count your blessings
Learn to see the good things. When we only think about the bad things, we start to feel sad and worried. Being mindful of the good things in our lives helps us stay calm and not let small problems get the best of us. We need a little push every once in a while. If you tend to think about the bad things in your life, make it easy to remember the good things. Get in touch with a family member or close friend and ask them to remember you. You could also write down some good things that are true and hang them somewhere you’ll see them every day. The truth needs to be seen and heard sometimes in order to change our minds. No matter what you do, make it easy to remember the good things in your life.
3. Let your supports challenge you
Our stressful situations are usually caused by bad ways of thinking that make us feel even worse. Talking to people who agree with us is tempting, but we can try talking to a friend or family member who can help us see things differently. During tough times, it’s simple to only consider the bad things that might happen. Connecting with someone who is ready to be honest and help us see the bigger picture can assist us in climbing out of a negative thought pattern.
4. Establish supports
No one is supposed to go through life by themselves. We all need people in our lives that we can let down our hair and talk about our problems. Being reminded that you’re not alone can help you relax. When you have too much worry, talk to someone in your network. Someone should listen to you when you’re upset, even if they can’t do anything about it. Another thing that might help you is seeing things from a different angle. Staying in touch with family and friends on a regular basis will help you get help when you need it. Also, if you want to build a strong support system, be there for the people in your life when they need you.
5. Forgive yourself
Forgive yourself when you fail to complete all of your tasks. We feel a lot of stress when we think bad things about ourselves. Everyone needs to be able to make mistakes from time to time. Even if your family and friends mess up, you still love them. Don’t you want somebody to forgive you too?

6. Take one task at a time
Do one thing at a time when you need to focus on work. Cell phones, social media, and other forms of technology seem to have made people less able to focus. Going from one thing to another quickly can be stressful and cause you to forget to do things. Stick to your list of priorities to remember what needs to be done first, then move on to the next thing. You can only give so much away.
7. Make time for the little things
It’s easy to miss the little pleasures in life when life is too busy and full of plans. Let’s say you are trying to get your child into the car and they want to hug you. Stop and give them a hug. Give them a hug for as long as they want one. Or, when your friend texts you to say hello, answer the text. The happiness these things bring into our lives will help us calm down.
8. Take breaks
It’s simple to think that we need to work hard for as long as we can, but we need breaks. I don’t know about you, but my list of things to do never ends. It gets bigger every day. Many of us want to cross a lot of things off our list so that we can feel “accomplished” at the end of the day. But sometimes our brains need a break. Yes, getting things done is a good thing. It’s important to take breaks, though, because they can help you relax and feel refreshed.
9. Pick your battles
It’s easy to choose your battles when you know what’s most important to you. You won’t get anywhere by getting into every possible fight. It will only make you feel more stressed and defeated. Yes, it’s annoying when your kids come in and throw their clothes on the floor. They still haven’t cleaned up the mess they made three days ago. Again, your partner left the dishes dirty in the washbasin and spent money you didn’t have. Life can be full of fights that never end. When you pick your fights and work on one thing at a time, you’re more likely to feel less stressed and make progress.
10. Know your priorities
Life can seem like it has a lot of responsibilities, but we can’t do everything well. Overcommitting and overscheduling ourselves is easy to do if we’re not careful. There are times when we feel like we are always running around because we have work, social, and family responsibilities. This helps us choose better ways to spend our time when we know what’s most important to us. It gets easier for us to say no and keep our plans from getting too full.
These insightful tips, woven into the fabric of daily living, serve as potent tools for cultivating mental resilience and fostering a sense of calm amidst life’s inevitable storms. From prioritizing self-care and embracing mindfulness to nurturing positive relationships and seeking professional support when needed, these tips form a holistic approach to mental health. The journey to a more relaxed life is not a destination but a continuous, intentional process that acknowledges the ebb and flow of life’s challenges.
By integrating these mental health tips into our routines, we not only prioritize our emotional well-being but also contribute to a culture that destigmatizes mental health conversations. As we embark on this journey towards relaxation and mental equilibrium, may these tips be a constant reminder that a healthier and more tranquil life is within reach, one mindful step at a time.
Q1. What inspired the creation of “How to Make Your Life More Relaxed with 10 Mental Health Tips”?
The idea for the guide came from wanting to give useful and easy-to-understand advice to people who want to improve their mental health and live a more relaxed life.
Q2. Are these tips suitable for everyone, regardless of age or background?
Of course, the tips are meant to help people of all ages and walks of life. They give general advice on how to improve your mental health and calm down.
Q3. How quickly can one expect to experience the benefits of incorporating these mental health tips into their life?
Different people will feel the benefits at different times. If you follow these tips regularly over time, you should feel better mentally and have a more relaxed life.